Vancouver Security Companies

Security Companies Near Me

Vancouver has many security companies that can provide a wide range of services to meet all the security needs of residents, businesses, and events. Cornerstone Security & Transport provided security surveillance to our Vancouver residence for a number of years. Cornerstone Security systems include alarm systems as well as security cameras and magnetic lock systems. Their security guards are reliable and professional for our Vancouver properties. They can also perform mobile patrols or other security services. Cornerstone prides itself in providing mobile patrol and security services for the community, including CCTV Monitoring and Security Guards. The security guards are extremely friendly and professional. They work closely together with all stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive plan is developed and tailored to meet your specific needs. We'll cover armed and non-armed guards as well as mobile patrols, event security (residential and commercial), loss prevention and more. Over the years they have been involved with Vancouver, the residential strata, as well as commercial stores like Costco. Cornerstone Security & Transport is the right choice if you're looking for reliable security services. We are so satisfied with their services, as they go beyond and above what we want. Security Company Vancouver

Security Guard Vancouver